Pauline Creuzé
Plastic Love
Summer Sleep, 2022
Digital video, 2'16'', silent
Pedestrian color
Summer Sleep
Smartphone videos
Sad window
Roman d'amour
Untitled (w M.Jenssen)
The Blue Bridge
A city is not
The Sun and the Moon
From May 10th to June 1st 2022, I stayed at PARADISE, an Artist in Residence program set inside a former love hotel in Matsudo, Japan.
In two of the theme rooms, I set up video installations which where shown to the public on June 18th and 19th.

On the 18th, I invited Onirisme Collectif (Mio Hanaoka) which produced a whole night of performances, for the public to experience while they were sleeping in the rooms. This event was called Summer Sleep, after the title of one of the videos shown in the installations.
During the night, I joined the performers and circulated with a small projector between the rooms, playing with scale and surfaces. Some people were half awake and saw the images, some people were deeply asleep.

> Next project
Video documentation by Mei Miyauchi and Pauline Creuzé
Signal, 2022
Digital video, 1'09", silent